“Requiem” Lyrics

“Requiem” Plastic Chair Single (2005)

You know
I can’t even remember
Your number anymore
And sometimes your name eludes me
But your face still stays
Your voice rings in silent ears
Though the feelings have fled
So empty now…
I suppose it always was

He teases me
Making empty offers
He holds out a silver goblet
I reach out to take it
He turns it upside down,
Shrieking, “There’s nothing in it!”

Next, he proffers a delicate box
I turn to accept it
Yet, once again, it is empty
His eyes light with amusement

Then a gilt edged book
Is held out for my inspection
The pages inside are all blank
He squeals with delight

His talk, mysterious phrases
I ponder over each word
He screams, “They mean nothing!”
A peal of capricious laughter
Sounds against the barren walls
He torments me

— by Anji Bee (BMI)

Note: Chukimai took 2 of my old spoken word recordings of poems from the early to mid 90’s and combined them for this post-Plastic Chair song. The original poems were called “Dear John” and “Knight of Cups.”