Unwind Episode 9


This week’s mix of Podsafe Music Network artists is a bit heavy on the piano. Why? I dunno, it just sounded good. I’m even more sick this week; I need my TylenolPM to help get a bit of sleep. Wish me health for next week!


  1. “I Can Get Out” Delaware unreleased (2005)
  2. “Mr. Telephone” Geoff Smith (2006)
  3. “Harvest” Hungry Lucy Before We Stand… We Crawl (2006)
  4. “It’s Not Me” Kelly Mueller unreleased (2006)
  5. “Signs” Ash Verjee unreleased (2007)

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I was just telling Dan Johnson after he suggested I listen to “Unwind” and 9:30p.m. that I usually play it after I turn out the lights and my head hits the pillow! But then I realized that doing it that way, I never hear anything beyond the first song!! So consequently, its playing now to help me wind down after a busy day!! Thanks for episode #9 of “Unwind!”