Tag Archives: 5 Things Meme

5 Things You Don’t Know About Anji

Crikey! I just noticed that C.C. Chapman had “tagged me” for that 5 Things Meme. Gulp! I guess I owe it to him to try and come up with 5 things people might not know about me and 5 other poor saps to do the same. Darned chain mail!

  1. My parents named me after the actress, Angie Dickenson.
  2. I attended 3 different high schools in 3 different states; California, Arizona, and Massachusetts.
  3. I moved out of the house right after High School. I started off in Downtown L.A., then moved to Hollywood, decided I hated the metropolitan area and settled down in the Harbor Area, instead.
  4. I’ve never left the North American continent; the furthest I’ve traveled to is Mexico City.
  5. OK, here’s the embarrassing one: I appear in Journey’s “Faithfully” video. I’m in one of the concert crowd shots, sitting up on a guy’s shoulders. I used to see it on MTV all the time… Good luck spotting me on the tiny grainy YouTube video!

So let’s see, I’ll tag Roger Smalls, Comic Strip Blogger, Karen & Karla of Rumor Girls, and Soccergirl. We’ll see if any of them actually do it or not…