Tag Archives: Thoreau

Anji’s Currently Reading…

Simone de Beauvoir: A Biography I’m finishing up Deidre Bair’s Simone de Beauvoir: A Biography at long last. I picked this up used at a college book sale back in the late 90’s and somehow never got around to reading it. My M.O. is to buy a small stack of books and stash them away for future reading, so I guess I stashed this one too well… I usually mix up my reading between biography, classic literature, spirituality, journals/letter collections, and a little contemporary fiction every now and then (generally given to me by someone) so I don’t get too bogged down by any one type of book. I don’t tend to read much self-help or how-to books, though I do have a decent collection of Arts and Crafts movement books for inspiration with my Craftsman bungalow.

I’ve been an avid reader ever since I was a tiny child; I had already read all the Dick and Jane books before starting kindergarten so my teacher had me assist the other children in learning to read, even the Spanish speaking kids! I used to spend whole weekends devouring books, until we got our first computer… But still, I find that nothing can replace the cozy feeling that curling up with a book in the tub gives me. Or reading in bed before going to sleep. Or sitting at the breakfast table with a cup of coffee and good book. Heck, where’s my book? What am I doing at the computer?

Anyway, I always kind of enjoy seeing what other folks are reading, so I figured I’d make that a new part of my blog, for the curious. I’m actually also reading Thoreau’s Walden, which I like to bring with me to the beach because it just seems wrong to read it indoors.