Anji Interviewed on Shameless Plugcast #2

Shameless Plugcast [audio:]

I’m the special guest on today’s Shameless Plugcast, being interviewed by show host, Zack Daggy, about Lovespirals, my vocal influences, podcasting, vidcasting, radio DJing, The Chillcast, Unwind, Lovely Ladies et al, plus I answer a listener question from Ed Ovett, of Ed’s Mixed Bag Podcast. This is one of my more personal interviews I think; good job, Zack!

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now here’s the interview that i’ve been waiting for. the listeners get to know so much about you through this one. really glad you took the time to sit down with the Mothman and do this one. and from one podcaster that walks and takes the bus everywhere to another, GOD BLESS YOU. car, schmar – public transportation’s a way of life for me…