Anji Bee Vidcast #40

I must’ve had a subconscious aversion to turning 40 coz I totally announced this is “Episode 39.” *Sigh* Anyway, sorry for missing last week… I used some brand new music to make up for it! The time around I chat about my scandalous postman moment, how my new video iPod, chatting with Clarence, joining Twitter, and the People’s Choice Podcast Awards have had a positive effect on me, my Second Life avatar, Beth Hirsch playing New York shows, and Lovespirals remix news. This is the ShowGirls Episode I referred to. Looks like Franklin Ex changed their band name to The Glowering Eyes.

Anji Bee Vidcast #40
Download Anji Bee Vidcast #40

“Once in a Blue Moon” from Lovespirals upcoming Long Way From Home CD

PS – Duh! I’ll have to use my blogtv account for a live interactive vidcast!


I’m going to be picky. This is an “iPod with Video”. In a couple of months we’ll most likely have a proper video iPod (like an iPhone without a phone) and then you’re going to confuse people when you say you’ve got a “video iPod”.

Welcome to the video-on-iPod experience.