My Cubical Is Happy (XtraNormal Vid)

Have you seen the Xtranormal site yet? It allows you to select from various characters and backgrounds — including your choice of gender and language — then animate them using various actions and expressions. Type in what you want them to say and how you want them to say it — even choose which camera angle — and the site turns your script into an animated video. It is way too fun! I had heard of it somewhere, but once I saw it in action – via a video by Ryan Coseboom of Stripmall Architecture, I knew I had to try it out.

“… Now my sad little cubical is filled with beautiful tunes!”

What the heck? Here’s my first movie, about the new Lovespirals album. I think it’s pretty cute, anyway.

“Is Lovespirals that old Goth band?” “No. They are so not Goth.”