Anji Bee on Bloody Mary Release

It may be a well-kept secret but the Jin Choi remix of Bloody Mary‘s recent single, “Arabesque,” features an ethereal vocal sample of Anji Bee culled from the CC Mixter “Freedom to Share” Remix event. The excellent Arabesque EP, originally a Beatport exclusive, is now available on iTunes and Amazon, as well as other digital music stores. You can read more about the project on the Beatportal Taste Test, where DJ Bloody Mary lists Jin Choi’s RMX in her Top 3 songs for November 2010. Listen to the full song on Chillcast #244: Pop Edged or just check out a clip of “Arabesque (Jin Choi Remix)” highlighting Bee’s contribution in the SoundCloud player below. Bee is currently collaborating with Bloody Mary on a new single for Mary’s Dame Music, so keep your ears peeled for it!

Bloody Mary “Arabesque (Jin Choi Rmx)” [clip] featuring Anji Bee