Tag Archives: Buddhism

Chillin’ with Lovespirals #64


Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #64 MP3

Ryan and Anji sit down for a post-Earth Day chat about green living with some tips from the Hip Tranquil Chick, wax poetic about their recent trip to San Francisco to take photos with Susan Jennings and meet up with Karmacoda, respond to recent listener feedback, give a super quick album and website redesign update. Plus they share a recording of Buddhist Bhutanese monks chanting at the Asian Art Museum as part of the amazing exhibit, The Dragon’s Gift: The Sacred Arts of Bhutan.

Lovespirals Green Tips:

  1. update your light bulbs
  2. buy energy star appliances
  3. install low flow bathroom appliances
  4. use cloth shopping bags
  5. do direct deposits & online bill payments
  6. read news online
  7. drive diesel vehicles with biodiesel fuel

Additional Links:

Heather, B, and Anji
Heather and B of Karmacoda with Anji Bee on a sunny San Fran day

Show Sponsor:

Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Check out our 3 money saving GoDaddy Promo Codes for your next domain name and web hosting purchases at GoDaddy.


Gathering and Sorting

Life honestly seems to be a constant process of gathering and sorting. So much of my time is devoted to this activity. Sometimes I think I should be more classically Buddhist by trying to not own things. I’m not even always aware that I’m collecting things until I notice that I need to organize them or discard them. My house is so tiny that it can’t fit many things in the first place, so just a few things can really make it seem crowded or messy. I’m at a point now where I look around and see small stacks piling up here and there which drives me crazy.

I’ve been listing many CDs on lala.com just recently, but of course, more CDs come back to me… So my large stack of unwanted CDs will be replaced with a similar stack of wanted ones. Which is better, I suppose. I’m stil in the process of digitizing my whole CD collection, which is pretty time consuming. I made smaller bit rate files of many songs back in the early mp3 days, so I’m trying to replace those with 320 aacs now. Plus I’m adding in the artwork, too. Gathering and sorting. Oh, and deleting.