Tag Archives: Celia Chavez

Color Him Father Collabocast

Color Him Father Collabocast [audio:http://netinfoweb.com/ribs/RIBSTPTD-ColorHimFather.mp3]

Download the Color Him Father Collabocast (mp3)

I’m a day late, but this is still very worth checking out! I participated in TGrundy’s special Color Him Father Collabocast released yesterday, alongside my podcasting friends Fave Nitemare, EJ Flavors, and Darren Keith, plus the lovely Anewlis. Now this is not a podsafe music show like The Chillcast is, but I still wanted to feature an indie artist who seriously deserves some recognition. That artist is singer/songwriter Celia Chavez who recently released an album inspired by her father called Sailor’s Daughter. As fate would have it, she sent me the CD this month – perfect timing for this show. Better yet, Celia took the time to record an intro talking about how her father inspired her music and this wonderful, warm album. So please take a listen to this very personal collection of songs and thoughts put together in honor of Father’s Day.