Tag Archives: vidcast

Karla of Rumor Girls Can’t Run to Chillcast

On the recent RumorGirls vidcast, my friend and former ShowGirls co-hostess, Karla Gilbert, confided to her sister, Karen, that she can’t listen to The Chillcast while she runs. She asked me to create a running friendly episode of the podcast for her. I’d like to suggest my recent Loverush Digital Spotlight show packed full of high energy trance mixes! Check the last 3rd of the show for her comments.

Anji Bee Tune on 64mm Skate Vidcast

Rad! The latest episode of the 64mm vidcast includes “Love Me Leave Me,” my 2004 collaboration with Bitstream Dream. The funny thing is, I finally saw Paranoid Park this weekend, which is a film by one of my fave directors, Gus Van Sant, shot at Burnside Skatepark in Portland, OR. Anyways, stoked to be part of this fun skating vid. Hope you enjoy it, too!