Anji Bee Vidcast #39

I’m back from mastering Lovespirals new album and feeling just a wee bit behind… I catch you up on my latest doings including shopping at Flaun’s (total luddite, no website), my whirlwind trip to see Robert Rich, the new Beth Hirsch CD, using SEO tips and tricks from Julien and Chris, running for the People’s Choice Podcast Awards 2007, early Lovespirals on Amie Street, and more including a traumatic trip to the beach. Also mentioned this show are Jason Painter, Gregory Aune, Clarence, and CC Chapman.

Anji Bee Vidcast #39
Download Anji Bee Vidcast #39

Theme music: “Hand in Hand” by Lovespirals – Buy via iTunes


You casually mention Beth Hirsch. I checked out her site. Rivetted by the note in her discography that she provided vocals for two tracks on the classic AIR “Moon Safari”. Of course! That’s why the name was familiar. She was awesome on that album! “All I Need” is one of my very favourite AIR tracks, and as AIR is one of my very favourite artists, that means a lot!

I downloaded “Beatitude” from your Ecstatic EP from Amie Street. I didn’t have to pay for it, although I would have been willing to do so. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I was disappointed that it had no album art, and the thumbnail on the site is a waste of the artist’s work. It’s a nice cover, but I can hardly see it. This is one of the reasons why iTunes is such a good source of music. They make sure of the details. I don’t intend to be too critical–it’s just an observation from a consumer. Lovely track, by the way and a google image search turned up a 300 x 300 pixel version on Last FM.