Chillin’ with Lovespirals #39

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More Lovespirals news than you can shake a stick at including our new mobile recording setup including a MacBook Pro, M-Audio Fast Track Pro, MCA SP1 mic and Sennheiser HD 280 Headphones, Ryan loving Facebook but hating MySpace, designing the Long Way From Home digipac artwork, ShowGirls wins PodcastAwards, Lovespirals’ New Media Expo 2007 plans, our inclusion on the Asian Variations and Projekt 200 compilation CDs, forming a street team, Pat Ogle email, a clip of a live version of our unreleased AND an extra special contest — write a killer review of Lovespirals’ Windblown Kiss and/or Free & Easy on iTunes (email us the details) for your chance to win a copy of this limited edition 3 CD boxed set with an brand new Lovespirals track!

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hey jason!

i was just joking around, but i was imagining scanning my autograph to email it to edgar. i think the idea came from a conversation i had with chel pixie about autographing a photo, scanning that and emailing to her. i mean, it certainly could be done, and though somewhat time intensive, would be cheaper and quicker than mailing out an autographed photo the traditional way.

hey, if someone takes the time to email me for a virtually autographed cover for itunes, i’m game to try it.

thanks for listening!

I was interested when you said you would have to scan the album cover in order to “sign” it for an iTunes buyer. Does this mean you no longer have the original graphics files used to create the cover?

“Signing” artwork for a digital-only buyer is a great idea. The artwork that comes with the iTunes files can be replaced.